June is Red Hammocks

Regular readers of this blog know that for some number of months of the year, i rename the month names for things that i think are important.  Sometimes i make predictions like Trump Indicted or Mubarak Falls where i am forecasting something – often something i am hoping will happen.

This slightly odd tradition, which i encourage , was developed in the time i was in the Czech Republic which uses month names which are inspired by the season or month.  Turns out the English translation of the Czech month name for June is Red.  Turns out this month we are making lots of red hammocks.  So i am calling this June Red Hammocks.

50 Red Hammocks going to Governors Island, NY

You are perhaps saying right now, “Wait a minute, Pax, didn’t you say the hammocks business burned down in the March Fire and that you were closing up shop?” 

Almost.  The fire has dealt an almost certainly fatal blow to the hammocks business (though we might be rebuilding a wood shop infrastructure, which could again make hammock chairs and wooden seed rack cases).  What is important to remember is we had all the ingredients (rope, beds, spreader bars, rings) which survived the fire, and while it is not our former full product line, there are both rope and fabric hammocks to be had, about 600 of them.  If you want to order a hammock go to our retail website

We are still able to serve some of our wholesale hammocks customers like the city park on Governors Island, NYC.  Every other year they order 30 to 65 red hammocks.  This year when they heard about the fire they asked us where they could purchase 30 red hammocks instead but as fortune has it, red is one of two rope colors we currently have 1,000 or more pounds of.  They upped their order to 50 (to ship before the end of the month) and the hammock shop is awash in them currently. (See the photo above of a red hammock hanging in an inspection position.)


If you are interested in coming to the build camp at Twin Oaks over the June 22 and 23 weekend, or frankly any time after that if you are game to camp, please write to buildcamp@twinoaks.org  We will feed and direct folk in all manner of clean up, demo, salvage and light construction.  More info on the build camp. We will also have guests from East Wind and Dancing Rabbit coming at that time to help with the recovery efforts.  

One of the glories of community is working together, continually building and, in this case, literally rebuilding, community together. Write to us and tell us a bit about yourself. And you can chill in a hammock!

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About paxus

a funologist, memeticist and revolutionary. Can be found in the vanity bin of Wikipedia and in locations of imminent calamity. buckle up, there is going to be some rough sledding.

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