Live Edge Sided Tiny Houses: Cambia’s Unique Offerings

Instead of a guard dog, Cambia has a welcome chicken.

It is shorter to walk from Cambia to the Twin Oaks Conference site, than it is to walk from the Twin Oaks courtyard to that same conference site. And proximity matters.

I think Cambia has some of the best simple cooking in the county. Currently, it is mostly vegan (local chicken eggs in the mix). Kelpie is currently practicing her vegan and vegetarian cooking at Cambia on Thursdays in preparation for cooking on the Flip Project in Florida in the fall

It is unclear if this will become a new business, but there is certainly demand for Cambia to produce live edge sided tiny houses like the prototype below. It is unclear if this is inspiring enough to become an on going community enterprise – but making the first one, which was commissioned and has shipped was fun and engaging.

Cambia builds tiny houses, Avni fixes computers
Prototype tiny house days before it was picked up

Cambia itself is sort of a tiny house village, which includes some deliciously odd architecture. Below is the temple space, which has stones and glass drops on the floor and hanging chairs to dangle from while sharing your secrets and the roadmap to your soul.

rituals and meetings happen here – glass and pebble floor

Communities come in very different flavors. Twin Oaks is a big institutional clockwork community – scheduled, punctual in many functions like meals and town trips. I’ve made the argument that Cambia is more of a Stepping Stone Community, hand crafted, flexible, scrappy, requiring some care and intimate.

Cambia’s Website is also informative

About paxus

a funologist, memeticist and revolutionary. Can be found in the vanity bin of Wikipedia and in locations of imminent calamity. buckle up, there is going to be some rough sledding.

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